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What impressed me particularly was the mental and muscular superiority of these two officers. Despite their age the mate sixty-nine and the second mate at least fifty their minds and their bodies had acted with the swiftness and accuracy of steel springs. They were potent. They were iron. They were perceivers, willers, and doers.

Great men, great nations, have not been boasters and buffoons, but perceivers of the terrors of life, and have nerved themselves to face it." He will not be deceived by the clamor of blatant reformers.

Featley: "Some whose necessary shifts have long inured them to cloak the defects of their unstudied years and hatred now to learn under the appearance of a grave solidity which estimation they have gained among weak perceivers find the ease of slighting what they cannot refute, and are determined, as I hear, to hold it not worth the answering.

Fortunately for me, this illusion that there are such intense perceivers re-creates itself out of the veriest dust and dross of humanity. Like Shelley's 'Cloud, my illusion may change, but it cannot die. Now I am in a state of mind when I am willing to let everything go by default everything except my last illusion, that I can never let myself out to anyone.

He had then been restored to liberty, for he died in his house at Chelsea. Milton knew him perfectly when he characterized him as one of those who had gained among "weak perceivers" a reputation for "grave solidity."