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Lady Feng, when at home, usually wore on her head a front-piece of dark martin a la Chao Chuen, surrounded with tassels of strung pearls. She had on a robe of peach-red flowered satin, a short pelisse of slate-blue stiff silk, lined with squirrel, and a jupe of deep red foreign crepe, lined with ermine.

"For a deep red one," continued Ying Erh, "a black net will do very nicely, or one of dark green. Both these agree with the colour." "What goes well with brown?" Pao-yue asked. "Peach-red goes well with brown." Ying Erh added. "That will make them look gaudy!" Pao-yue observed. "Yet with all their plainness, they should be somewhat gaudy."

Her gaze was further struck by the peach-red stiff silk jacket she had on, brocaded with all sorts of flowers and lined with ermine, by her leek-green wadded jupe, artistically ornamented with coils of gold thread, and by the bluish satin and grey squirrel pelisse she was wrapped in.

"Leek-green and willow-yellow are what are most to my taste," Ying Erh pursued. "Yes, they'll also do!" Pao-yue retorted. "But make one of peach-red too and then one of leek-green." "Of what design?" Ying Erh remarked. "How many kinds of designs are there?" Pao-yue said.