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Dole en Franche Comte 12. Douay There are three 'Conseils Souverains', which may almost be called parliaments; they are those of: Perpignan Arras Alsace For further particulars of the French parliaments, read 'Bernard de la Rochefavin des Parlemens de France', and other authors, who have treated that subject constitutionally.

Dole en Franche Comte 12. Douay There are three 'Conseils Souverains', which may almost be called parliaments; they are those of: Perpignan Arras Alsace For further particulars of the French parliaments, read 'Bernard de la Rochefavin des Parlemens de France', and other authors, who have treated that subject constitutionally.

Prenez le plus habile pour la consultation, et la plaidoyerie, eh bien, il sera obligé d'avoir son avocat et son procureur, si on lui intente un proces dans le resort de la plupart des autres parlemens."

See Ibid., i. 553 n., for a list of eighteen courts of extraordinary jurisdiction, and of five courts of ordinary jurisdiction, viz.; 1, Parlemens, 2, Presidiaux, 3, Baillis et senechaux royaux, 4, Prevots royaux, 5, Juges seigneuriaux. It has been said that the judges of the higher courts were generally honest.