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When I say WE, I mean Bumpo and myself; for the animals, Jip, Chee-Chee and Polynesia, were a long way ahead even beyond the Doctor enjoying the hunt like a paper-chase. At length we arrived at the foot of the mountain we were making for; and we found its sides very steep. Said the Doctor, "Now we will separate and search for caves. This spot where we now are, will be our meeting-place.

Now they were creeping stealthily round rocks "like stage assassins," now leaping forward through the long yellow grass like men in a paper-chase, always fighting well and pluckily, lifting up their wounded and carrying them to places of safety, and then again joining in the battle, charging without fear upon their maddened enemy, parrying the thrust of sudden assegai with the bayonet that kills almost in the instant that it guards.

The most that observation gives us is the very imperfect suggestion of the track that such a movement would have left behind it, not unlike the scraps that boys litter along the road in a paper-chase.

Of course any idea of rejoining the paper-chase had to be given up, but a little brushing and beating made Grey respectable, and he and Cadbury rode home together, to confess to having lost the track, and to await the return of the pack, who, after a capital run, had eventually captured the hares at a most convenient spot the door of a lemonade shop!

They say, 'Surtaine of Certina. It should be, 'Certina of Surtaine. There's more to come of Surtaine." His voice dropped to the old, pleading, confidential tone of the itinerant; as if he were beguiling them now to accept the philosophy which he was to set forth. "What is life, my dear friends? Life is a paper-chase.