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Johnny held the pail, while Yank and I vied with each other in being the first to get our shovelfuls into that receptacle. As a consequence we nearly swamped the pail first off, and had to pour some of the earth out again. Then we all three ran down to the river and took turns stirring that mud pie beneath the gently flowing waters in the manner of the "pot panners" we had first watched.

This is peculiarly women's work, and some are well known to be better panners than others; they refuse to use salt-water, because, they say, it will not draw out the gold. The whole land is impregnated with the precious metal. I find it richer in sedimentary gold than California was in 1859.

'We are obediently and respectfully, 'DAVID GOWEN, 'WALTER BENCH, 'JAMES PANNERS PARSONS, 'And seven others. Weyburn spared Aminta an answering look, that would have been a begging of Browny to remember Matey. 'It 's genuine, he said to Mrs. Lawrence, as he attacked his plate with the gusto for the repast previously and benignly observed by her.

Wilbur told me that while on the road that between watching the panners in the box offices and keeping her from throwing a fit on the stage he got gray-headed. As for her maid, I can only say, 'Help that poor creature. One time the maid pinched her foot while buttoning her shoe and what does the prima donna do but bounce her whole makeup box on the top of the maid's defenseless nob.

'We are obediently and respectfully, 'DAVID GOWEN, 'WALTER BENCH, 'JAMES PANNERS PARSONS, 'And seven others. Weyburn spared Aminta an answering look, that would have been a begging of Browny to remember Matey. 'It 's genuine, he said to Mrs. Lawrence, as he attacked his plate with the gusto for the repast previously and benignly observed by her.