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I believe they tuned up higher and louder when I went in it wouldn't be nothin' surprisin' if they did, some as the brass band strikes up as the hero enters. This song wuz the loud, strong chorus of Labor, that echoes all over the world, grand chorus that is played by the full orkestry of the sons and daughters of toil. Oh, how many notes there is in this strong, ail-pervadin' anthem!

A dutchman in the orkestry warbles on a base drum. Curtin falls. Moosic by the Band. Dear Sirs: I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am in a state of great bliss, and trust these lines will find you injoyin the same blessins. I'm reguvinated.

But he wuz a likely man, and got over it quick, and wuz most too good to her for a spell afterwards, as pardners have been wont to do on such occasions ever since the creation of the world. "But, as I say, matrimony has difficulties enough when Love heads the procession and Wedded Bliss plays the trombone in the orkestry." She looked real interested as if my words wuz awful congenial to her.

I felt well about Robert and Dorothy yes, my heart sung for Joy carryin' the hull four parts, base, altore, bear tone and sulfireno. That is to say, the different faculties of my head and heart all jined in and sung together in happiness and made a full orkestry.

One of the strange things long to be remembered wuz to set down alone beside of a big horn in Chicago and hear a melodious orkestry in New York, hundreds and hundreds of miles away, a-discoursin' the sweetest melody. Wall, what took up Josiah's mind most of anything wuz a house all fitted up from basement to attic with electricity.