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He then takes up eye diseases, a department of surgery rather well developed at that time, as can be seen from our account of the work of Pope John XXI as an ophthalmologist during the thirteenth century. William devotes six chapters to the diseases of the eyes and the eyelids. Then there are two chapters on affections of the ears.

However, Dr. de Schweinitz mentioned the close relationship which should exist in the non-surgical treatment of increased intra-ocular tension between the internist and the ophthalmologist, but neglected to mention a corresponding relation which should exist between the rhinologist and the ophthalmologist, and possibly between the dental surgeon and the ophthalmologist.

Hence the suggested association of the dental surgeon with the ophthalmologist in these cases of apparently idiopathic increased intra-ocular tension. It would be well to state here a cursory examination of the mouth will not discover root abscesses any more than such examination will discover non-suppurative sinus disease.

It does, however, offer the advantage of carrying with it the minimum amount of risk, and the apparently permanent results secured justify the ophthalmologist in acquainting himself with the technique of the operation, for, as pointed out by Sydney Stephenson and others, "the technique is responsible for success or failure."