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In the name of Allah we conjure thee, who art our captain, be not our direst enemy, but surrender these ruins of our once-happy Malaga and deliver us from these overwhelming horrors." Such was the supplication forced from the inhabitants by the extremity of their sufferings. Hamet listened to the alfaqui without anger, for he respected the sanctity of his office.

Yes, Coupeau had worked more than a year on this hospital, little thinking that he was preparing a place for himself. Now he was no longer on the roof he had built a dismal nest within. Good God, was she and the once-happy wife and mother one and the same? How long ago those days seemed! The next day when Gervaise went to make inquiries she found the bed empty.

It were easy to show, by long details, that this great characteristic of the new "plantation" would suffice to explain that general and terrible pauperism which has since become the striking feature of once-happy Ireland. But only a few words can be allowed. It is the fanaticism of the new "planters" which will chiefly occupy our attention.

If the French have not the wine of Naxos, their goblets may at least sparkle with vin de Surenne; the Champs Elysees may supply the place of the shady bowers of Delos; and, in lieu of the name of the ill-fated NICIAS, the first promoter of the sports formerly celebrated in that once-happy island, the air may be made to ring with the name of the more fortunate BONAPARTE. Paris, January 6, 1802.