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But, tell me, are you really one of the crew of this pirate vessel?" "No, massa, only for dis viage. I b'longs to a old sinner called Hassan, what libs in de country, not far from de town. He not a bad feller, but he's obs'nit oh! as obs'nit as a deaf an' dumb mule. If you want 'im to go one way just tell him to go toder way an' you've got 'im."

Under the influence of the condition, however, whatever it was, he became unjust, and began to call his horse names. "What! you not 'bey orders? you ole screw you unnat'ral villin you obs'nit lump o' hoss-flesh! Stan' still, I say!" Need we say that the horse refused to stand still? Again, and again, and over again, the negro tried to lay hands on the animal, and as often did he fail.

A obs'nit man may be as good as anoder man what can be shoved about any way you please. Ha! you not know yit what it is to hab a bad massa. Wait a bit; you find it out, p'r'aps, soon enough. Look yar." He bared his bosom as he spoke, and displayed to his wondering and sympathetic friend a mass of old scars and gashes and healed-up sores.

"W'y, den you'll git whacked, an' you'll 'sperience uncommon hard times, an' you'll change you mind bery soon, so I t'ink, on de whole, you better change 'im at once. Seems to me you's a remarkably obs'nit young feller!"