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"Would that their negotiations were unsuccessful that we might have the pleasure of bombarding this infamous city which, for twenty years past, has brought so much misery on Europe!" "There is some prospect of it," said Nostiz, smiling. "The allies have demanded that the French corps should surrender as prisoners of war.

"Happy fellow!" he said, sighing; "he can gallop as light as a bird, while I must sit here as a poor old prisoner!" At this moment his adjutant, Major von Nostiz, rode up to the field-marshal's carriage. "Well, Nostiz, tell me how things look in the outer world. What is the news?" "Bad and good, your excellency," said Nostiz.

"A murderous battle has taken place to-day, and we have sustained heavy losses. About eight thousand men were killed on our side, but in return we have gained a large number of trophies, field-pieces, caissons, and stands of colors." "We ought to have taken all their colors!" cried Blucher, eagerly. "What say the monarchs now, Nostiz?

With the activity of a youth Blucher opened his carriage and vaulted on the horse, which the groom led close to the carriage. For a moment he reeled in the saddle; for he felt as if red-hot daggers were piercing his eyes, but he overcame his faintness and pain. "Where are the members of my staff, Nostiz?" he asked, eagerly. "They are near, your excellency, at La Villette."