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The Supply armed tender, after having been under repair from the time she returned from Norfolk-Island, was found, on a survey, to be in so bad a state, that the best repair which could be given her in this country, would only render her serviceable for six months longer; Governor Phillip, therefore, ordered her to England, and she sailed on the 26th of November.

Refreshments procured. Departure from Rio Janciro. Proceeds towards England. Arrives off the Lizard. Particulars respecting Norfolk-Island.

At noon, the body of Norfolk-Island bore north 61° east, distant seven or eight leagues.

Dunavan and Jamieson met John Bryant, and persuaded him to discover all he knew about the plot; presently afterwards, they brought him before me, when he was sworn on the cross, being a catholic, and I took his deposition; the substance of which was as follows: "That on the passage from Port Jackson to Norfolk-Island it was talked among the convicts to take the Golden-Grove transport from the officers and crew and run away with her, and on its being proposed to Bryant he said they could be only fools to think of such a thing.

Captain Hunter and the crew saved. A general meeting of the officers convened. Sundry regulations adopted. Martial-Lawproclaimed. Lieutenant-Governor Ross takes thecommand. Lieutenant King leaves Norfolk-Island. Description of Norfolk-Island. Face of the country. Water Soil Climate Timber Insects Fish Seasons Winds Coast, and Bays. Present state of cultivation. General behaviour of the convicts.

The following particulars, respecting NORFOLK-ISLAND, which comprehend the substance of Lieutenant-Governor King's latest dispatches, being dated the 29th of December, 1791; and which were received the 30th of November 1792, by the William and Anne transport, that ought to have touched at Port Jackson, but was forced by contrary winds to bear away for England.

From this bay, we rowed round the south-east point, and opened the two islands, the largest of which, I named Phillip-Isle, after Governor Phillip; and the smallest, Nepean-Isle, after Evan Nepean. The point of Norfolk-Island, opposite Nepean-Isle, I called Point Hunter, after captain John Hunter, of his Majesty's ship the Sirius.