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I turned to my right, simply by chance, and followed a long gallery in the dark, not running I was too fearful of making the least noise but walking with the tiptoe-swiftness of terror. At the termination of this was a cross-gallery, one end of which that to my left terminated in a great window, through which the dusky night-view was visible.

This was the side farther from the lower village, and the Enterprise trail, and Colina wondered if she had not made a mistake. Mounting over the rim of the coulée a superb night-view was open to them. Before them rolled the bald prairie wide as the sea, with all the stars of heaven piercing the black dome overhead. It was still and frosty; the horses breathed smoke.

It would catch us young, and we'd either harden or fail." ... They were taken to a place of stillness and the night-view was restoring.... Though Cairns had just left Bedient, he had not been told about the portrait nor the first sitting. Beth wondered if Bedient foresaw that she would appreciate this. She was getting so that she could believe anything of the Wanderer.

The chief ornament of the walls was a large and indifferent copy of Raphael's "St. Cecilia;" there were, too, several gouache drawings of local scenery: a fiery night-view of Vesuvius, a panorama of the Bay, and a very blue Blue Grotto. The whole was blithe, sunny, Neapolitan; sufficiently unlike a sitting-room in Redheck House, Bartles, Lancashire, which Mrs. Baske had in her mind as she wrote.