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The papers were searched for any scrap of intelligence, and the daily mail waited for until the hours and minutes were counted before its arrival. One morning her father placed Nichol's letter in her hands. They so trembled in the immense hope, the overwhelming emotion which swept over her at sight of the familiar handwriting, that at first she could not open it.

Nichol's works, either this, or those which have preceded it, had there even been room left disposable for such a task. But in this view it is sufficient to have made the general acknowledgment which already has been made, that Dr. Nichol's works, and his oral lectures upon astronomy, are to be considered as the fundus of the knowledge on that science now working in this generation.

Nichol's Literary Anecdotes, prefixed to his Miscellaneous Works, wonders are told of his early predilection for the poetical art; but those who have observed the amplification with which the sprightly sallies of childhood are related by domestic fondness, will listen to such narrations with some abatement of confidence.

See further Nichol's Literary Anecdotes, i. 303; and for Morning Advertiser, established in 1794, the same volume, p.290. Another correspondent writes: During 1849 the Morning Chronicle has completed its 81st year; next in seniority stands the Morning Post, at 77; and the Morning Herald, at 65.

Sadler went on to tell the old story.... I saw it all as he spoke; only gaunt, shiny-faced, yellow Nichols was chewing and hitching his trousers in place of my Tomas, with his sanguine oaths and jerked gestures. And there was Nichol's wanton, aimless ferocity. "He had two pistols, which he fired twice each, while we were hoisting the studding-sails by his order, to keep up with the schooner.