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He was always on the watch, and the moment a ship dropped her anchor he would come on board to take orders. He knew everybody and everything that was going forward, and was, consequently, a great authority. "Huzza! it is true, for Paolo Muhajiar has heard it," exclaimed Togle, looking hard at Duff. "Well, Jemmy, I'll let you off your bet but you will see that I am right."

"You offered to bet yourself, but you didn't propose what it should be, a dinner at the Star, or " Just then a personage appeared at the door of the berth, who was immediately appealed to. "Oh! come in here, Muhajiar; you'll know all about it," cried Jack Raby. "Take a glass. We haven't seen you for some time. Have you heard whether we are going home?"

Signor Paolo Muhajiar took his leave, for he was not likely to get any orders, at all events, to be paid, if he executed them; and the berth was soon cleared of its rightful occupants some to go on shore, others to their duties, and the rest to see what was going forward in the harbour. The scene there was amusing.

In ten minutes afterwards the well-known artist Paolo Muhajiar made his appearance, and, though he was somewhat astounded at the shortness of the time allowed him to rig the Greek stranger in a suit of mufti, a show of some broad gold pieces overcame all difficulties, and he promised to set every hand at his establishment on to the work.