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"It's real nice at home, too," said Clementina. "We have very good times evenings in the winta; in the summer it's very nice in the woods, around there. It's safe for the children, and they enjoy it, and fatha likes to have them. Motha don't ca'e so much about it. I guess she'd ratha have the house fixed up more, and the place. Fatha's going to do it pretty soon. He thinks the'e's time enough."

But it was so dry, the aia was, and the woods kept the wind off nicely." The same shrill voice in the region of the stovepipe which had sent the girl to the Landers now called her from them. "Clem! Come here a minute!" The girl said to Mrs. Lander, politely, "You'll have to excuse me, now'm. I've got to go to motha." "So do!" said Mrs.

Landa said, that your motha would come here and fit me!" she lamented. "I guess he didn't undastand, 'm. Motha doesn't eva go out to do wo'k," said Clementina gently but firmly. "Well, I might have known Mr. Landa would mix it up, if it could be mixed;" Mrs.

"Oh, I guess I'm getting old, motha," she said, and turned the question off. She would not have minded telling her mother about Gregory, but it would not have been the custom; and her mother would have worried, and would have blamed him. Clementina could have more easily trusted her father with the case, but so far as she knew fathers never were trusted with anything of the kind.