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One would have judged the king to be thankful for small mercies, for certainly St. Monan proved but an ineffective patron. Mr. Hugh Cleghorn dined at Charlton, and I saw him for the first time, having heard of him all my life. He is an able man, has seen much, and speaks well. Age has clawed him in his clutch, and he has become deaf.

The beastly fashion of bringing a bare ill-kept park up to your very doors seems going down. We next visited with great pleasure the Church of St. Monans, which is under repair, designed to correspond strictly with the ancient plan, which is the solid, gloomy, but impressive Gothic It was built by David II., in the fulfilment of a vow made to St. Monan on the field of battle at Neville's Cross.

'Ealle gesceafta, heofonas and englas, sunnan and monan, steorran and eorthan, gesceop and geworhte on six dagum. 'It is a very beautiful language. Say some more. He replied with glib promptness, with a passage from Beowulf 'Hie dygel lond warigeath, wulfhleothu, windige naessas. 'What does that mean? Tony looked embarrassed. 'I don't believe you know!

In Judea Noah, in India Manu, in Chaldea Xisuthrus, in Assyria Oannes, in Aztlan Nata, in Algonkin tradition Messou, in Brazil Monan, etc., are all heroes of similar alleged occurrences. Often that looked for destruction was associated with the divine plans for man. This was an addition to the simplicity of the original myth, but an easy and a popular one.