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There were no trees or grass on this island, but they had one bird called Baswit. They sent this bird across the waters to secure some earth, the fruit of the rattan and of trees. When it returned MElu took the earth and beat it the same as a woman beats pots until he had made the land, then he planted the seeds in it and they grew.

It is said that MElu and Saweigh now live below, Dwata and Fiuweigh in the sky. A variation of this story credits MElu and Dwata with being the creators of Fiuweigh and SEweigh. They were the ancestors of men, for they took earth and made it into the form of people and then whipped it until it moved. From these two came all the Bila-an.

Give us good fortune in the fight." Upon returning from the fray they place eight whole betel nuts, together with leaves, on a plate, and having set it outside the house, one of the warriors calls to MElu saying: "If the brother of the man we have killed in payment for my brother calls on you for aid, you must not give heed, for here we make a present to you."

Then began a great argument in which Tau Dalom Tana gained his point and did make the noses and placed them on the faces of the first two people upside down. So great had been the argument over this making and placing of noses that MElu forgot to finish that part of the second person and went away to his place above the clouds, and Tau Dalom Tana went away to his place below the earth.