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Dimly, Albert had begun to perceive that years must elapse before he could become capable of matching himself in battles of wits with this master-strategist. "Yes, I certainly did!" said Keggs. "I don't know what 'appened at the interview not being present in person. But I've no doubt that everything proceeded satisfactorily."

That master-strategist, Prince Otto of Saxe-Pfennig, realising that if he wished to reach the Metropolis quickly he must not go by train, had resolved almost at once to walk. Though hampered considerably by crowds of rustics who gathered, gaping, at every point in the line of march, he had made good progress.

Lulu's relative, who lived at the Court of Monaco, got quite a snappish answer when she wrote recommending some further invention in the realm of marine research. The farmhouse kitchen probably stood where it did as a matter of accident or haphazard choice; yet its situation might have been planned by a master-strategist in farmhouse architecture.

Coming from such a master-strategist, this ought to be attended to. Franklin, on being asked whether the United States had done right in going into the war, said "Yes"; asked whether the country could with honour have stayed out, he said "No." There is guidance here for thinking men of all ranks. Lincoln is very happy where he is. So, too, I was amazed to find, is Disraeli.

Neither had dared to hope that he would go so far as this. What they had looked for had been at the most a few thoughtful words of advice. That such a master-strategist as O'Hara should take up their cause was an unexampled piece of good luck. "If you only would," said Harvey. "We should be most awfully obliged," said Renford. "Very well," said O'Hara. They thanked him profusely.