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Its site is fifteen miles south of Bologna, close to the modern Marzabotto, on the left bank of the little river Reno. Only a tiny part has been uncovered. The whole must have been laid out at once, and the smaller remains seem to show that this was done by Etruscans. In the fourth century the place was sacked by the Gauls, and though there was later occupation, its extent is doubtful.

We must conclude that at Marzabotto we have a piece of evidence which we cannot set into its proper historical framework. But it would be well to learn more of the plan by further excavation. Archaeological Journal, 1903, p. 237. Compare Authority and Archaeology, pp. 305, 306. Notizie degli Scavi 1895, p. 272; Durm, Baukunst der Etr. p. 39.

At Marzabotto, the chests are made of bricks, and placed beneath a heap of pebbles. These drawings will help us better than long descriptions to form an idea of this mode of burial. A stone chest used as a sepulchre. In other cases the dead body was enclosed in earthenware jars.

At Felsina and at Marzabotto we find instances alike of inhumation and cremation, and at Vilanova only half the tombs are those of corpses that had been cremated. In 365 of the tombs excavated in the Certosa, near Bologna, only 115 show signs of cremation having been practised.