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Utterly confused and bewildered, the girl suffered herself to be led back through the rooms to the foot of her stairs. "Mariayah!" screamed the old woman, and after a moment the voice of waiting-maid answered from above, and then as Arlee dumbly ascended the stairs, the voice of the old woman rose with her in shrill admonition.

And distrust, always ready now like a prompter in the box, suggested most upsettingly that perhaps he was not giving the right words. She resolved to experiment upon Mariayah. He reverted, with increasing emphasis, upon his desire to make her happy in the palace, to surround her with whatever she desired, and swiftly she availed herself of this second opening.

No, that is not safe.... If only that girl were sure " "Mariayah?" cried Arlee. "No, the other the little one with the wart over her eye. Have you seen her? Well, watch for her, then. She has an itching palm she may help. But only in little things, of course, for she is afraid. And I have no money left and she is afraid to take a jewel." "I have almost no money," said Arlee blankly.

The first knocking upon the door did not disturb that sleep, and it was a long time before the knock was again sounded. Then Arlee heard and sprang to her feet in a lightning rush of consciousness. It was Mariayah again, and the water jars which already looked familiar to her, and after the water jars appeared more roses and with the roses a letter.