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The Malohs, a Klemantan sub-tribe in the upper basin of the Kapuas river, are well known as brass-workers; their wares are bartered throughout the country, and a few Maloh brass-workers may be found temporarily settled in many of the larger villages of all tribes.

From a drawing by a Maloh. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum. From a drawing. Plate 143. From a tatu-block in the collection of H.H. the Rajah of Sarawak. From a drawing. Design tatued on the calf of the leg of an Ukit. From a photograph. Tatu design on the foot of a Kayan woman of low class. From a drawing. From a drawing. From a drawing. From a tatu-block. From a photograph.

Tatu design on front of leg of the same Kalabit woman. D = BETIK KARAWIN; E = UJAT BATU, hill-tops. From a drawing. Tatu design on the forearm of an Uma Long woman. From a drawing. Tatu design on arms and torso of a Biajau man of low class. From a drawing by a Maloh. Tatu design on leg of Biajau man of low class. From a drawing by a Maloh. Tatu design on shin of Biajau woman of low class.

A Maloh who had lived for many years amongst these people gave us the following information about their tatu: There is with these people a great difference between the tatu of the high-class and that of the low-class individuals: amongst the former the designs are both extensive and complicated, too complicated for our informant to describe with any degree of accuracy, but they seem to be much the same as those described by Hamer.

The practice of tatu is so widely spread throughout Borneo that it seems simpler to give a list of the tribes that do not tatu, than of those who do. Punan. 2. Maloh. 3. Land Dyak. Malanau. 5. Miri. 6. Dali. 7. Narom. 8. Siduan 10. Tutong. 11. Balait. 12. Bisaya. 14. Kadayans.

Maloh and Punan men ornamented with Kayan tatu designs we have often encountered; but they have no designs of their own, and attach no special significance to their borrowed designs. We may note here that the ornamentation of the body by means of raised scars and keloids is not known in Borneo.