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When Iwaginan stamped his feet, all the coconuts in the trees fell, and when Linongan moved her toes in dancing all the tattooed fish came to breathe at her feet for the water covered the town when they danced.

When she speaks to the cut on our daughter's body the body and head will join better," said Aponibolinayen to Awig. Not long after, "Ala, you spirit helpers go to get old woman Alokotán of Nagbotobotán, so she will speak to the cut on Linongan," said Awig. "Yes," said the spirits and they went.

"Ala, my wife we go to Pindayan to see our mother Dinowágan," said Iwaginan. "Yes, if that is what you say we will go," said Linongan. Not long after they asked Awig and Aponibolinayen, "You go, but do not stay long," they said. "Yes," they answered.

"That is why those people are bad, for when they have only one daughter they do not know how to take care of her." "Ala, what can you do, that is their custom. Please come," said the spirits. "Ala, you go first, and I follow. I ought not come for I want them to feel sorrowful for their only daughter, which they sent to the field, but I will come for I want Linongan to live.

"How terrible are the people who are like Kaboniyan for they are so different from us," said the other people who went to attend balaua with them. Not long after, when all the people had finished dancing and the balaua was over, the people went home and Iwaginan was engaged to Linongan. Aponibolinayen said, "We do not wish that our daughter be married yet," but Awig agreed.

He commanded her to climb, and when she was in the middle of the ladder she was afraid, for she nearly fell down, it was so high. Not long after she reached the watch house. When she looked down it seemed as if her eyes fell down it was so high. "Ala, you my daughter Linongan live here and watch our rice, I will come to see you.

When they were still dancing the water flowed, only a little while, and it was only knee deep, "Ala, you Iwaginan and Linongan, stop dancing because we are deluged," said Awig and the old woman Alokotán. They stopped dancing and the water went down again from the town.