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Another smart fellow cut the life-buoy adrift so quickly that it struck the water within ten yards of Staines. The officer of the watch, without the interval of half a moment, gave the right orders, in the voice of a stentor; "Let go life-buoy. "Life-boat's crew away. "Hands shorten sail. "Mainsel up. "Main topsel to mast." These orders were executed with admirable swiftness.

She clung to the after rail, and watched the boat, now a tiny dot hard to discern amidst the ripples caused by the inflowing tide. Her intimate acquaintance with the daily happenings of life aboard told her that Courtenay had chosen the last hour of flood for his effort, thus gaining the advantage of the ebb in the event of the life-boat's being pursued by canoes on the return journey.

"The jolly-boat's clean gone; the life-boat's a wreck; the to'gallant bulwark, both sides, is gone, for'ard of the fore riggin'; the staysail blowed out of the bolt-ropes directly the gale struck us; and worst of all we've lost three of our little crowd." "Lost!" I ejaculated. "What d'ye mean, man?" "Just what I says, Mr Blackburn," answered the boatswain.

They would respond as readily as do the hundreds of brave men who volunteer for active service, and probable death, to reinforce a fire-brigade, or a life-boat's crew. Children are so wise when their fine instincts are appealed to.