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You are too dignified for me to suit you, sir." "But, Miss Everdene!" "I I didn't I know I ought never to have dreamt of sending that valentine forgive me, sir it was a wanton thing which no woman with any self-respect should have done. If you will only pardon my thought- lessness, I promise never to " "No, no, no. Don't say thoughtlessness!

"Yes, that's the ill fortune o' it." said Gabriel, in a distressed tone. "And it is because of that very help- lessness that I feel bound to go. Good afternoon, ma'am" he concluded, in evident anxiety to get away, and at once went out of the churchyard by a path she could follow on no pretence whatever.

And to that had destiny subjoined this rencounter to-night, which had, in Bathsheba's wild imagining, turned her companion's failure to success, her humiliation to triumph, her luck- lessness to ascendency; et had thrown over herself a garish light of mockery, and set upon all things about her an ironical smile.

Judging by those things which we do gain and enjoy and experience the worth lessness of, I suppose we learn by degrees to infer that others so longed-for and coveted would prove as valueless if possessed." Her voice was low and tired, and had the sound of suppressed tears in it. "You are in a depressed frame of mind," I said. "Yes;" then, with a cynical smile, "hysteric, as I told you.