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If that should come to pass, do not forget the poor philosopher. I will be content with a skin of wine from Laurona, since to-day you condemn me to thirst." Euphobias laughed, slapping Actæon on the shoulder. "I am invited to Sónnica's banquet to-night," said the Greek. "You, also? Then we shall meet there. I am not invited, but I go with the same right as a dog belonging to the house."

"We shall be more comfortable in Fulvius' house. He is a most honorable Roman who swears that he has quarreled with water. Day before yesterday he received a famous wine from Laurona. I smell its perfume even here." "I have not a single obolus in my pouch." The philosopher sniffed as if inhaling the vapor of the new wine, and made a gesture of disappointment.

Wine from Chios, rare and costly, mingled with those from Cæcubum, from Falerno, and from Massico, in Italy, and those from Laurona and from the Saguntine domain. To the bouquet of these liquids was added the aroma of the sauces, into which entered, following the complicated recipes of the Grecian cuisine, silphium, parsley, sesame, fennel, cumin, and garlic.

Black wine from Laurona and the pink wine from the Saguntine vineyards were scorned by those who had money.

See the sign on my tavern, 'To Pallas Athene'. Here you will find wine from Laurona, as excellent as that from Attica; if you wish to try the Celtiberian beer, I have it also, and if you desire, I can serve you with a certain flask of wine from Samos, as authentic as the goddess of Athens which adorns my counter."