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Updated: November 25, 2024
The Spanish customs which were once so popular in the palace, are unbecoming in this room, where all who enter it are nothing but petitioners seeking justice at my hands." "And mercy, sire!" added Count Lampredo, imploringly. "And mercy which can be conceded only so far as it is perfectly compatible with justice."
He came, and when he saw who were the petitioners of the day, his countenance expressed astonishment: but he did not depart from his usual habit, and walked slowly down the middle of the room, extending his hand to receive the petitions. "How?" said he, when he had reached the last person, "Count Lampredo, you have nothing to present! You all desire to speak with me?
"Our humiliation, then, has been of no avail!" muttered Count Lampredo, "and the nobles of Austria must suffer disgrace because of the obstinate cruelty of the man who should uphold them." "But we will be revenged!" whispered Count Hojada, a near relative of Szekuly's. "The sovereign who, like Joseph, heaps obloquy upon a nobility, some of whom are his equals in descent, is lost!
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