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But the congress of 1868 dashed their hopes to the ground, and the revolutionists separated from the league and founded the same day, September 25th, a new association, called L'Alliance Internationale de la Démocratie Socialiste. The program now adopted by the Alliance, although written by Bakounin, expressed quite different views from those of the International Brothers.

He begins then to oppose to political action what he calls economic action. In the fragment not published during Bakounin's life the Protestation de l'Alliance, he covers for the hundredth time his arguments against the Volksstaat, which is a "ridiculous contradiction, a fiction, a lie."

It was formerly thought that Bakunin was the author, but now it is pretty well agreed that it was Netschajew. The Catechism is reproduced in the before-mentioned memoir, L'Alliance de la Démocratie Socialiste, viii.

A mon tour je leur demandai ils alloient. Ils me dirent que leur roi venoit de mourir; que pendant sa vie il avoit toujours entretenu trève avec le grand karman, et que le jeune roi et son conseil les envoyoit vers lui pour renouveller l'alliance.

And later they obtained and published in L'Alliance de la Démocratie Socialiste the material from which I have already quoted extensively in my first chapter. No useful purpose, however, would be served in dealing with the personal phases of the struggle.

Nearly all the amazing collection of "documentary proof," afterward published in L'Alliance de la Démocratie Socialiste, was submitted to the congress, and a resolution was passed that all the documents should be published, together with such others as might tend to enlighten the membership concerning the purposes of Bakounin's organization. Two other important actions were taken at the congress.