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At noon we set out to cover the short distance that lay between us and Kunis, where we had made tryst with Satarah. The country was like a series of English woodland glades watered by many purling streams, and bright with masses of apple blossom; the turf around the trees all white and pink with petals torn from the branches by the recent storms.

Clumps of fir clothed the hills with sombre green a perfect background to a perfect picture. The flowers all along our path to-day were much in evidence after the rain. In the fields round Kunis the poppies flared, and the iris bordered the fields with a ribbon of royal purple.

We reached Kunis at two o'clock, and found the village half submerged, the water being up and over the low shores from the recent rain. Our boats were moored in a clump of willows, whose feet stood so deeply in the water that we had to embark on pony-back!

A grivna was a certain number of kunis equal in value to half a pound of silver, but the kuni often varied in value. All prisoners of war and all persons bought from foreigners were condemned to perpetual slavery. Others became slaves for limited periods, freemen who married slaves, insolvent debtors, servants out of employment, and various other classes.

A thing like a big grey bat flapping about, proved, on inspection, to be that rascal the Lord High Admiral Satarah. He said he could not start, as the hired coolies from Kunis had been so terrified by the horrors of yesterday that they had departed in the night, sacrificing their pay rather than run any more risks with such daredevils as the mem-sahib and me.