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The note had a jerkiness of style that was certainly absent from her speech, and the fact argued that she was compelling herself to write with restraint.

Coming into the dining-room, she held out her hand to me with simple friendliness, and smiled to me as graciously as she did to Ivan Ivanitch that pleased me; but as she talked she moved her fingers, often and abruptly leaned back in her chair and talked rapidly, and this jerkiness in her words and movements irritated me and reminded me of her native town Odessa, where the society, men and women alike, had wearied me by its bad taste.

The figures have a wooden doll-like stiffness, parodying by their evident jerkiness the exquisite emotions intended by the poet and we can only assume that impressed by the imperial example minor rulers or nobles encouraged struggling practitioners but in an atmosphere far removed from that of the great emperor. Such paintings in a broken-down Akbari manner characterize the period 1615 to 1630.

Just then Rellihan slammed the private door with a sort of official violence. Mac Tavish had entered. He marched straight to Morrison with the stiff jerkiness of an automaton. He carried a sealed telegram and held it as far in front of himself as possible. Stewart seized upon it and tore the envelope. "I'm glad to hear you say that about the court, gentlemen. I have taken a liberty this evening.

He made another awkward sweep that sent them farther on the outward curve, and he heard Jumonville's harsh laugh. He was still the superb actor. His excitement was real, and he counterfeited a nervousness and jerkiness that appeared real also. One more wild stroke, and they shot farther out.

Except for the mad embers of the eyes, one might have said that the room held three dead bodies. At least he had sent them on to a judgment from which they could not escape with iniquitous smiles. Then a sudden doubt assailed him. Were they, after all, dead? He came to his foot, moving with the spasmodic jerkiness of his condition, but with all the augmented strength of a madman's power.