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Jacomb, while he was a devoted, earnest, and hard-working priest, was also an Englishman, and liked his dinner, and that was how he became acquainted with the Beresfords, and gradually grew to be an intimate friend of the family. His attentions to Nan were marked, and she knew it.

Bride's to church, to hear Dr. Jacomb preach upon the recovery, and at the request of Mrs. Turner, who came abroad this day, the first time since her long sickness. He preached upon David's words, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord," and made a pretty good sermon, though not extraordinary.

We had a great talk about art and all the rest of it. He and Jacomb Hood and others were fellow students, and he and Jacomb Hood and this writer, and various artists and newspaper men are to meet at his board in Calcutta and have a right good Bohemian evening as in days of yore. Is it not curiously sanguine this belief, to which I've seen quite old men clinging that you can repeat a good time.

I saw your sister Madge about twenty minutes ago. She seemed very happy about something or other. 'Mr. Jacomb, said Nan, 'do you know the lady who left a minute ago? 'No, said he, wondering a little at the earnestness or rather the absentness of her manner. 'I only caught a glimpse of her. She belongs to one of the visiting sisterhoods. Nan was silent for a second or two.