United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The girl Mal seemed to understand and went to tell the others. Captain Moggs came upon Soames, feverishly making up bundles of objects the children had brought out of their ship before Fran in the brown tunic had burned it. Captain Moggs said approvingly: "You must have anticipated my orders! But I thought it unwise to tell you by radio on the inter-base wave-length."

Or as if the radar had encountered an almost-something which was on the verge of becoming real, and didn't quite make it. "What the " The inter-base radio screamed. At the same instant the twin radar-screens flashed bright all over. The twin pens of the tape-writing machine scrambled crazy lines on the paper. The noise was monstrous. A screaming, shrieking uproar such as no radio ever gave out.

All manner of foreign voices came startledly out of the inter-base radio speaker, asking what could it be? A Russian voice snapped suspiciously that the Americans should be queried. And the wave-guide radar followed a large object which had come out of nowhere at all. The sheer impossibility of the thing was only part of the problem it presented. The radar followed it.

The event was timed with the outburst of radio noise, not the impact of the falling object, which was a minute later. Soames struggled to imagine what that event could be. The inter-base radio babbled. Somebody discovered that the static had been on all wave-lengths at the same time. Voices argued about it. In the radar-dome Captain Moggs said indignantly: "This is monstrous!