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"I'll bring him up to Rampart in time for the first boat." "Where's my dog?" No answer. The Boy whistled. No Nig. Dread masked itself in choler. He jumped on the fellow, forced him down, and hammered him till he cried for mercy. "Where's my dog, then?" "He he's up to Idyho Bar," whimpered the prostrate one.

"I wouldn't say I'm actually afraid of him, but I got an old mother in southern Idyho that's dependin' on me and I can't afford to take chances." "I'll go myself," said Canby, curtly. "Don't let him git the drop on you," Boise Bill warned him. "I never see anybody so quick as he is. He had out his weepon and was over the fire at me before I knew what was happenin'," with conviction.

Didn't go half so hard with her when her other sister married. Yes-sir!" said the old man, by way of sweeping conclusion, as he rose to his feet "Marthy's the on'y one of 'em 'at never married both the others is gone Morris went all through the army and got back safe and sound 's livin' in Idyho, and doin' fust-rate. Sends me a letter ever' now and then.

Didn't go half so hard with her when her other sister married. Yes-sir!" said the old man, by way of sweeping conclusion, as he rose to his feet "Marthy's the on'y one of 'em 'at never married both the others is gone Morris went all through the army and got back safe and sound 's livin' in Idyho, and doin' fust-rate. Sends me a letter ever' now and then.