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Updated: September 21, 2024
Noa they war noa good at heirin moor's t' pity." Then she looked slyly at her companion: "An' yo', miss? yo'll be gettin' married one o' these days, I'll uphowd yer." Diana colored and laughed. "Ay," said the old woman, laughing too, with the merriment of a girl. "Sweethearts is noa good but you mun ha' a sweetheart!"
But when Diana rejoiced that such days were done, the old woman gave a tolerant: "Noa noa! They were none so bad were t' Vavasours. Only they war no good at heirin." "Airing?" said Diana, mystified. "Heirin," repeated Betty Dyson, emphatically. "Theer was old Squire Henry wi' noabody to follow 'im an' Mr. Edward noa better and now thissun, wi nobbut lasses.
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