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Then, coming in an opposite direction, appeared the headlamp of another car, of a car that raced nearer and nearer to us, so that, within a few seconds of its first appearance, we found ourselves bathed in the beam of its headlights. Smith bounded out into the road, and stood, a weird silhouette, with upraised arms, fully in its course! The brakes were applied hurriedly.

Tom fired wildly down the corridor, heard shouts and oaths from the men, but he could see nothing. Then, ahead, a flicker of light as a headlamp went on. The men from the airlock were close, moving in on him, and from behind he saw light bouncing off the corridor walls.... He jerked open the hatch to a storage hold, ducked inside, and slammed the hatch behind him.

Good thing I was down here in the Middle; I'd never have made it from up Top. Next corridor left, I think." Then, as the light of his headlamp showed numbers on the wall: "Yes. Square left. I'll swing you." He swung her and they shot to the end of the passage. He kicked a lever and the lifecraft's port swung open to reveal a blaze of light and a startled, gray-haired man.

Then, coming in an opposite direction, appeared the headlamp of another car, of a car that raced nearer and nearer to us, so that, within a few seconds of its first appearance, we found ourselves bathed in the beam of its headlights. Smith bounded out into the road, and stood, a weird silhouette, with upraised arms, fully in its course! The brakes were applied hurriedly.

He held his breath, listening, and the sound came again, louder. Someone was moving stealthily up the corridor. Greg waited, covered by the edge of the hatchway. It might be Johnny returning, or maybe even Tom ... but there was no sign of recognition. Whoever it was was coming silently.... Then a beam of light flared from a headlamp, and he saw the blue crackle of a stunner.