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Cockerell, I observed that both forms had a subvariety with brownish foliage, and, besides this, one of a pure green. Possibly this species, too, is still in a mutable condition. Perhaps the same may be asserted concerning the beautiful shrub, Hibiscus Moscheutos, observed in quite a number of divergent types by John W. Harshberger.

Such a wide range of variability evidently points to the existence of some minor types. Dr. John Harshberger has made a study of those which occur in the vicinity of Whitings in New Jersey. His types agree with the description given above. Others were gathered by him at Brown's Mills in the pinelands, New Jersey, where they grew in almost pure sand in the bright sunlight.

You go first." "Nah, you go first. The fellow that's dared has got to go first. Ain't that so, Chuck? Ain't that so, Monkey?" "I'll go down if you will, on'y you gotta go first." "Er er Who all 's over at Boggs's hill?" "Oh, the whole crowd of 'em, Turkey-egg McLaughlin, and Ducky Harshberger, and Oh, I don' know who all." "Tell you what less do.

He observed still other differentiating characters. The amount of seed produced and the time of flowering were variable to a remarkable degree. Dr. Harshberger had the kindness to send me some dried specimens of the most interesting of these types. They show that the peculiarities are individual, and that each specimen has its own characters.