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I'm going to clean up, and if you don't want to be splashed, I'd advise you to clear out." She went to the spigot and let the water run into the bucket, while she extended her palm in his direction. "Now some soap please hand-soap, if you have it. Any soap, if you haven't." "I've only got this," he said lifting the soap from the dishpan. "Oh, very well. Now please go and paint."

He pictured himself crossing the drug-store floor, entering the telephone-booth, putting five cents in the slot. He stared at the red-and-green globes in the druggist's window; inspected a display of soaps, and recollected the fact that for a week now he had failed to take home any shaving-soap and had had to use ordinary hand-soap. "Golly! I must go in and get a shaving-stick. No, darn it!

Now you got to lather all over again, 'cause it's dry." Once more Endicott laboriously coaxed a thin lather out of the brown hand-soap, and again he grasped the razor, this time with a do-or-die determination. "Oughtn't I have a mirror?" he asked doubtfully. "A mirror! Don't you know where your own face is at? You don't need no mirror to eat with, do you?

To put in enough, yet not too much, was a matter of nice judgment. Tallow did not mix well with hog fat. Therefore it had commonly its smaller special pot, whose results were molded for hand-soap, being hard and rather light-colored. Since our washerwomen much preferred soft soap, most of the spring making went straight into the barrel.

He disappeared, to return a few moments later with a razor, a cake of hand-soap, and a shaving brush. "I never have shaved my self," admitted Endicott, eyeing the articles dubiously. "Who have you shaved?" "I mean, I have always been shaved by a barber." "Oh!" The cowboy took another long pull at the bottle. "Well, Win, the fact is them whiskers looks like hell an' has got to come off."