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When there is mystery made, which is, or seems, needless, there is pleasure and a feeling of mastery in finding it out unaided, and I was losing that. I will say this, however, that I was more vexed in this way than with the thought that I should not find Hertha, for in my own mind I began already to own that Ailwin and Gunnhild were in the right about our not meeting yet.

I had not been to the house for two days, as it chanced. Then one ran and brought the house steward, and told him. "I know not if that may be, master," he said; "but I will ask Dame Gunnhild." "Has the lady gone to rest?" I said, being surprised at this delay. "She is not well" the man said; "and the dame has not suffered her to rise today."

So when the wedding was over, King Sweyn fared home to Denmark with Gunnhild his wife, and they became the parents of Canute the Mighty the same who in his manhood fought against Edmund Ironsides and reigned as King of England.

Now Burislaf had three very beautiful daughters Geira, Gunnhild, and Astrid whom many noble and kingly men sought vainly to win in marriage.