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He even climbed over the canon-lip to look along the brow of the hill for signs of the outcrop. But that could wait, and he hurried back to his find. He toiled on in the same mad haste, until exhaustion and an intolerable ache in his back compelled him to pause. He straightened up with even a richer piece of gold-laden quartz. Stooping, the sweat from his forehead had fallen to the ground.

She dreamed that she was seeing the Carnival at Nice a medley of dancing waves, azure sky, palms, gold-laden orange trees and white green-shuttered houses flowers, CONFETTI, masks, grotesque pageantry, the merry music of the South. And though he had never been with her at Nice, Willoughby Maule came into her dream.

In contrast to the over-elaborateness characteristic of all too many American homes and hotels, obtruding their highly colored, gold-laden ornament, the Randolph house rather inclined toward an austerity of decoration. But after the first general impression, more careful observation revealed the extreme luxury of appointments and details.

One of the adventurers who set out about this time on a cruise after gold-laden vessels, was a Frenchman who was known to his countrymen as Pierre François, and to the English as Peter Francis. He was a good sailor, and ready for any sort of a sea-fight, but for a long time he cruised about without seeing anything which it was worth while to attempt to capture.

An hour passed; two hours, but no gold-laden message came over the wire. Hinpoha had been chewing her fingers for the last hour. "Oh, please stop that," cried Gladys irritably, "you make me nervous. You remind me of a cannibal." "Isn't there a poem about 'My beautiful Cannibalee?" returned Hinpoha. "I'll go out and eat grass if that will make you feel any better," she continued.

To have found the gold-laden ship, to have been gulled into attacking her, and and oh! he could scarcely bear to think of it! There was but one consolation.