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And it was only when Minky suddenly appeared in their midst, bearing in his arms an iron-clamped case which he deposited in the body of the cart, that their attention was diverted, and they remembered the purpose in hand. The gold-chest deposited and made secure, the storekeeper turned to the crowd about him. "Well, boys," he said, with an amiable smile, "any more mail?

Then he turned away with a slight sigh. "Well, boys," he said, with another attempt at jocularity, "if ther' ain't nuthin' doin', guess this mail's sure closed." Passing again to the back of the cart, he gazed affectionately upon the gold-chest. Then he lifted his eyes just as Van voiced the question in everybody's mind.

One was to securely lash the gold-chest in its place; but its place he changed to the front of the cart. Another was to leave the lid of the foot-box, built against the dashboard, wide open, and to so secure it that it could not close again. Another was to adjust the lowered hood of the cart in a certain way that it was raised head-high as he sat in his driving-seat.

When Tim awoke the next morning he found himself deserted. To Knowlton, who drew from the small gold-chest the hundred dollars allotted to José and handed it to him before redressing his wound, the puntero quietly revealed his intention to go before sunrise. "Say nothing, señor," he requested. "You need know nothing of it, if you like. I am here to-night I am gone to-morrow that is all.