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Who would have recognised the singer of "We're gayly yet," in the subdued young person who made that reply? The door opened again. Another disastrous intrusion? Yes, another! Teresa appeared this time caught Zo up in her arms and gave the child a kiss that was heard all over the room. "Ah, mia Giocosa!" cried the old nurse too happy to speak in any language but her own. "What does that mean?"

Meantime the others had made their arrangements from the second in command down to the merest pot-boy selections had been made from among the maids. I heard, "Lisabetta, come here," or, "No, no, Liperata, I have chosen you" or it was Caterina, or Giocosa, or Bettina, as the case may have been. To be brief, down sat everybody in the kitchen, Jack by his Gill, save my unhappy self.

Of piano pieces there are a sprightly "Birthday Impromptu" and a fuga giocosa, which deals wittily with that theme known generally by the words "Over the Fence Is Out!" A long "Romance" for the piano is marked by some excellent incidents and much passion, but it lacks unity. It is the last work in "An Album of Pianoforte Pieces," which is otherwise full of rare delights.