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He said that you had sent him ahead with it, asking him to deliver it and return to Sari where you would await him, bringing the girl with him." "Dian?" I gasped. "The Mahars have given over Dian into the keeping of Hooja." "Surely," he replied. "What of it? She is only a gilak," as you or I would say, "She is only a cow."

She had seen all these evidences of a civilization and brain-power transcending in scientific achievement anything that her race had produced; nor once had she seen a creature of her own kind. There could have been but a single deduction in the mind of the Mahar there were other worlds than Pellucidar, and the gilak was a rational being.

That is, they were accustomed to look upon man as a lower animal before Perry and I broke through the Pellucidarian crust, but I imagine that they were beginning to alter their views a trifle and to realize that in the gilak their word for human being they had a highly organized, reasoning being to contend with.

Evidently it was no less difficult for him to readjust his preconceived conclusions than it is for most human beings; but finally the idea percolated which it might never have done had he been a man, or I might qualify that statement by saying had he been some men. Finally he spoke. "Gilak," he said, "you have made Gr-gr-gr ashamed. He would have killed you. How can he reward you?"