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Ridiculous, indeed, that the lovely creatures should be obliged to paddle about in the water, like so many ducks, while a parcel of great strapping fellows skimmed over its surface in their canoes. The first day after Fayaway’s emancipation, I had a delightful little party on the lakethe damsel, Kory-Kory, and myself.

At last he became a little more rational, and intimated that, out of the abundant love he bore me, he would consult with the priests and see what could be done. How it was that the priesthood of Typee satisfied the affair with their consciences, I know not; but so it was, and Fayaway’s dispensation from this portion of the taboo was at length procured.

In one of the most secluded portions of the valley, within a stone’s cast of Fayaway’s lakefor so I christened the scene of our island yachtingand hard by a growth of palms, which stood ranged in order along both banks of the stream, waving their green arms as if to do honour to its passage, was the mausoleum of a deceased warrior-chief.

Awkward as such an instrument may appear, it was, in Fayaway’s delicate little hands, one of the most graceful I have ever seen. A young lady in the act of tormenting a guitar, strung about her neck by a couple of yards of blue ribbon, is not half so engaging. Singing was not the only means I possessed of diverting the royal Mehevi and his easy-going subjects.

I may succeed, perhaps, in particularizing some of the individual features of Fayaway’s beauty, but that general loveliness of appearance which they all contributed to produce I will not attempt to describe.