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He that liveth on jujubes for twelve years, and he that fasteth at the tirtha for three nights, acquireth merit that is eternal. Arriving then at Indramarga, O king, and fasting there for a day and night the pilgrim becometh adored in the abode of Indra.

But of this we may speak hereafter. Now to the temptation. Verse 2. "And when he fasteth forty days and forty nights, He was afterwards an hungered." Verse 3. 'Then came to Him the tempter, and said, 'If you be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread, etc.

And many a time he had longed to have such homely salads of potherbs as women make when they go into the country; and whiles eating had given him more pleasure than himseemed it should do to one who fasteth for devotion, as did he. 'My son, said the friar, 'these sins are natural and very slight and I would not therefore have thee burden thy conscience withal more than behoveth.

He that liveth on jujubes for twelve years, and he that fasteth at the tirtha for three nights, acquireth merit that is eternal. Arriving then at Indramarga, O king, and fasting there for a day and night the pilgrim becometh adored in the abode of Indra.

By this he obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine, and heaven also. Then, O king, the pilgrim should go to the Arundhativata. Proceeding thither with concentrated soul and practising the Brahmacharya vows, one that batheth in Samudraka and fasteth for three nights, obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and of giving away a thousand kine, and also rescueth his race.

But she refused, feigning self-denial, that she might attain her end: and they knew not that the pretended devotee was such an one as he of whom the poet says: He prayeth and fasteth amain for an end that he hath in view. When once he has gained his end, fasting and prayer, adieu!

And they that have given kine, proceed along the way happily, freed from all their sins. And they that have fasted for a month, proceed on cars drawn by swans. And they who have fasted for six nights, proceed on cars drawn by peacocks. And, O son of Pandu, he that fasteth three nights upon only one meal without a second during this period goeth into a region free from disease and anxiety.

And they who have fasted for six nights, proceed on cars drawn by peacocks. And, O son of Pandu, he that fasteth three nights upon only one meal without a second during this period goeth into a region free from disease and anxiety. And water hath this excellent property that it produceth happiness in the region of Yama.

By this he obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine, and heaven also. Then, O king, the pilgrim should go to the Arundhativata. Proceeding thither with concentrated soul and practising the Brahmacharya vows, one that batheth in Samudraka and fasteth for three nights, obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and of giving away a thousand kine, and also rescueth his race.

And if thou hear of any man that speaketh, or of any that is still, of any that eateth or of any that fasteth, or of any that is in company or else by himself, think thou, and say, if thee list, that they conne do as they should do, but if the contrary shew in apert. And, therefore, leave to work after other men's dispositions and work after thine own, if thou mayst know what it is.

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