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Meanwhile, Robert's farming progressed well. His fall-wheat was all down by the proper period, fifteenth of September; for it is found that the earlier the seed is sown, the stronger is the plant by the critical time of its existence, and the better able to withstand frost and rust.

"We were interested in observing the forethought displayed in laying up stores for the winter; apple being peeled, quartered, strung upon strings, and dried either in the sun, or over the kitchen stove; pumpkins cut into parings and dried, &c." When this is cut and placed in stacks, its red roots are exposed, affording a pleasant contrast to the dark green of the up-springing fall-wheat.

'A rich aurora for this season of the year, remarked Hiram Holt. 'Those that are brightly coloured generally appear in autumn or spring. 'Oh, yes, said George; 'do you recollect how magnificent was one we had while the fall-wheat was planting? the sky was all crimson, with yellow streamers. 'Do you know what the Indians think about auroras? asked Mr. Holt.

The pumpkins planted between his rows of Indian corn had swelled and swelled, till they lay huge golden balls on the ground, promising abundant dishes of 'squash' and sweet pie through the winter. 'How is it that everything thrives with you, Wynn? young Armytage said one afternoon that he found the brothers busy slitting rails for the fencing of the aforesaid fall-wheat.

I am particular in giving these descriptions, because I flatter myself they may prove useful to the future colonist. The first week in September we commenced sowing our fall-wheat, and finished on the tenth, which is considered in good season. I would by all means recommend early sowing, especially on old cleared farms. Late sown wheat is more liable to winter-kill and rust.

Fall-wheat should be sown between the first and fifteenth day of September.* The sooner the better, in my opinion, because the plant is stronger and better able to withstand the frost, and is decidedly less liable to rust. Our fallow having been prepared in this manner, and sown broad-cast with fall-wheat, the next object was to fence in the field securely, which is done in the following way.