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When a death occurred in the family, suitable persons, chiefly actors, were dressed up with these face-masks and the corresponding official costume to take part in the funeral ceremony, so that the ancestors each in the principal dress worn by him in his lifetime, the triumphator in his gold-embroidered, the censor in his purple, and the consul in his purple-bordered, robe, with their lictors and the other insignia of office all in chariots gave the final escort to the dead.

We have already mentioned that the face-masks of those ancestors who had filled the curule aedileship or any higher ordinary magistracy, wrought in wax and painted modelled as far as possible after life, but not wanting even for the earlier ages up to and beyond the time of the kings were wont to be placed in wooden niches along the walls of the family hall, and were regarded as the chief ornament of the house.

They were little, hunchbacked insects, with very strong arms, short, bandy legs, and crinkled face-masks. As they pulled at it that net seemed the heaviest thing I had come upon in the moon; it was loaded with weights no doubt of gold and it took a long time to draw, for in those waters the larger and more edible fish lurk deep.

When a death occurred in the family, suitable persons, chiefly actors, were dressed up with these face-masks and the corresponding official costume to take part in the funeral ceremony, so that the ancestors each in the principal dress worn by him in his lifetime, the triumphator in his gold-embroidered, the censor in his purple, and the consul in his purple-bordered, robe, with their lictors and the other insignia of office all in chariots gave the final escort to the dead.

Four stakes, five feet high, were driven into the ground and the mosquito-canopy simply hung over them. We had no face-masks, except the red netting, but, for such a trip, a mask is simple to make and occasionally most acceptable.

We have already mentioned that the face-masks of those ancestors who had filled the curule aedileship or any higher ordinary magistracy, wrought in wax and painted modelled as far as possible after life, but not wanting even for the earlier ages up to and beyond the time of the kings were wont to be placed in wooden niches along the walls of the family hall, and were regarded as the chief ornament of the house.