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Schenk Eybel has a little plan he can't put through without Walt Slabberts, he says. Loop, brother. You'll find the old man on his grey pony near the Field Hospital." The eyes behind the spectacles whirled in terror. The ex-apothecary faltered: "What what is this you say? The money paid me on the Commandant's account when it was to be a secret between us.... Foei, foei! This is unfair.

"Trudi told me," smirked P. Blinders. "You and her seem to be great and thick together," said Van Busch, with a flattering leer. The little ex-apothecary placed his hand upon his chest, and said, with a gleam of tenderness lighting up his spectacles: "I have sighed, and she has smiled."

Finally the commissioners left for home at the end of the month. But even their departure could no longer make the army's burden light enough to bear. Thomas, the ex-apothecary, who did his best to stem the adverse tide of trouble, caught the smallpox, became blind, and died at the beginning of June.

The Americans received various small reinforcements, which eventually brought their total up to what it had been under Montgomery's command. But there were no more assaults. Arnold grew dissatisfied and finally went to Montreal; while Wooster, the new general, who arrived on the 1st of April, was himself succeeded by Thomas, an ex-apothecary, on the 1st of May.