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"I'm quite well," returned Mr. Silk, gazing at him with unconcealed surprise. "I'm glad to 'ear it," said Mr. Kybird, in a somewhat reproachful voice, "for your sake; for every-body's sake, though, p'r'aps, I did expect to find you looking a little bit down. Ah! it's the wimmen that 'ave the 'arts after all." Mr. Silk coughed. "What d'ye mean?" he inquired, somewhat puzzled.

"I kept it secret from her on purpose, because I was afraid she would not approve. I went with Mark Wilson, and and I married him in New Hampshire because we couldn't do it at home without every-body's knowledge. Now you know all." "Do you mean to tell me you've gone an' married that reckless, wuthless, horse-trottin', card-playin' sneak of a Wilson boy that's courted every girl in town?

And then she poked her forefinger into the baby's roseleaf cheek. "Pretty!" she said, beaming at the child. "Oh, don't touch her!" Patty cried out. "Come away, Azalea!" for she really didn't know what the strange girl would do next. "Pshaw! I didn't hurt her. If she's such a touch-me-not, she's no fun at all! But every-body's like that with their first baby! Silly! Fussy! Just ridiculous!"

"I'm quite well," returned Mr. Silk, gazing at him with unconcealed surprise. "I'm glad to 'ear it," said Mr. Kybird, in a somewhat reproachful voice, "for your sake; for every-body's sake, though, p'r'aps, I did expect to find you looking a little bit down. Ah! it's the wimmen that 'ave the 'arts after all." Mr. Silk coughed. "What d'ye mean?" he inquired, somewhat puzzled.

The victories of Dettingen and Crefeld were in every-body's mouths, and 'the Protestant hero, as we used to call the godless old Frederick of Prussia, was adored by us as a saint, a very short time after we had been about to make war against him in alliance with the Empress-queen.