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The evacuations ought to be carefully examined until the coin be discovered. I once knew a child swallow a pennypiece, and pass it in his stool. Take hold of him by the legs, allowing his head to hang downwards; then give him with the palm of your hand several sharp blows on his back, and you may have the good fortune to see the coin coughed out of his mouth.

Here then was the time to have put a stop to this persecution against him; and tried an experiment at least whether calmness and serenity of mind in your sister, with a due attention, brother Toby, to her evacuations and repletions and the rest of her non-naturals, might not, in a course of nine months gestation, have set all things to rights. My child was bereft of these!

The muscular motions caused by sensation continue; as those concerned in our evacuations during infancy, and afterwards in digestion, and in priapismus. The irritative muscular motions continue, as those concerned in the circulation, in secretion, in respiration.

These procedures were repeated again and again, without regard to the quantity of the drug used, as soon as the radial pulse became weaker, and kept up until the patient complained of a sense of fullness in the head, and requested the discontinuance of the drug. The evacuations became less frequent, and in a week the patient was able to be up.

The bowels during this time are disordered, generally constipated from the very first, though their condition in this respect sometimes varies at the commencement of the disease. The evacuations are usually scanty, sometimes pale, often of different colours, almost always deficient in bile, frequently mud-coloured and very offensive.