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Phil. I have seen these animals in passing through this country before; but I should be very glad to be better acquainted with their natural history. The Unknown. We shall soon be in that part of the grotto where they are found, and I shall willingly communicate the little that I have been able to learn respecting their natural characters and habits. Eub.

Eub. Really you are in the poetical, not the chemical chair, or rather on the tripod. We claim from you some accuracy of detail, some minute information, some proofs of what you assert.

The Grotto of the Maddalena at Adelsberg occupied more of our attention than the Zirknitz See. I shall give the conversation that took place in that extraordinary cavern entire, as well as I can remember it, in the words used by my companions. Eub. We must be many hundred feet below the surface, yet the temperature of this cavern is fresh and agreeable. The Unknown.

In painting, lapis lazuli or coloured hard glasses, in which the oxides are not liable to change, should be used, and should be laid on marble or stucco encased in stone, and no animal or vegetable substances, except pure carbonaceous matter, should be used in the pigments, and none should be mixed with the varnishes. Eub.

Eub. We will allow that you have shown in many cases the utility of scientific investigation as connected with the progress of the useful arts.

The kaolin, or clay, used in most countries for the manufacture of fine porcelain or china, is generally produced from the feldspar of decomposing granite, in which the cause of decay is the dissolution and separation of the alkaline ingredients. Eub.