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But even now the Especs were not without representatives; for, by his Anglo-Saxon spouse Algitha, the Anglo-Norman warrior who fell in Gascony left two sons, and of the two one was named Walter, the other Osbert. While Dame Algitha Espec lived, the young Especs scarcely felt the loss they had sustained in the death of their father.

'Mayhap at Acre or Jerusalem, suggested Guy, after a pause. 'By Holy Katherine, exclaimed Walter, 'ere you named Acre and Jerusalem, my imagination had carried me to the palace of the caliph at Bagdad. IN the days when the Norman kings reigned in England, the Especs were of high account among the Anglo-Norman barons.

My dreams, awake and asleep, are of him who is lost; and I fantasied last night, added he, lowering his voice, 'that my mother stood before me, as I last saw her when living, and implored me, in the name of St. Katherine, the patron saint of the Especs, to fulfil my vow of rescuing her lost son from captivity and from the enemies of Christ.

For both, however, Providence raised up friends in the day of need. Remembering what he owed to his connection with the Especs, the Lord de Roos received Walter into his castle of Wark, to be trained to arms; and another kinsman, who was a prior in France, received Osbert into his convent, to be reared as a monk.